
Showing posts from October, 2020

Rehabilitation Physiotherapy Ottawa | Rehabilitation Physiotherapy Kanata | PhysioExperts Kanata

Rehabilitation could be understood as the process of assisting a person who has suffered an injury or illness and restoring his/her lost skills along with maximizing self-sufficiency. For example- after a stroke, rehabilitation may help the patient walk and speak efficiently again. At PhysioExperts, Rehabilitation is designed to meet every person's specific needs; therefore, we have kept each program is different. Some usual treatment components for rehabilitation programs consider the following: 1.    Treating the disease base and preventing complications 2.    Curing the dysfunction and improving the ability 3.    Offering adaptive tools and altering the surrounding 4.    Teaching the patient and family how to adapt to lifestyle changes 5.    The success of rehabilitation variably depends on the following: 6.    The nature and degree of particularly resulting in disabilities and impairments 7.    The kind and severity of the disorder, disease, or injury 8.    T

Physiotherapy Treatment Ottawa | Physiotherapy in Kanata | PhysioExperts Kanata

  At PhysioExperts, our Physiotherapists provide the best physiotherapy treatment in Kanata to the people of all ages who face several health issues due to an illness, injury, or disability through movement. Our primary goal is to help patients who are suffering from pain or discomfort to let them achieve independence and live a stress-free and pain-free life. Physiotherapy includes two major steps: Examination and Treatment Plan. Examination: The process of Examining comprises the comprehensive assessment which is performed aiming the goal of helping patients understand their functional limitations, disabilities, or any other health- related issues better. These are the examinations we offer: 1.    Neurological examinations (e.g. stroke, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s) 2.    Neuromuscular examinations (e.g. back pain, whiplash associated disorder, sports injuries, and arthritis) 3.    Cardiovascular examinations (e.g. chronic heart disease and rehabilitation after a