
Showing posts from July, 2020

Massage Therapy in Ottawa, massage therapy benefits | Physio Experts Kanata

Massage therapy benefits are manifold as millions of people all over the world visit a PT for injuries, sprains, and strains in their muscles or joints. Massage therapy is used to activate tissue repair, increase muscle strength, increase range of motion, help with soft tissue relaxation, and ease the pain. Massage therapy can be used to keep the joints moving to diminish the destructive effects of extended immobilization in bedridden cases. Other massage therapy techniques like floating procedures in the spine help in alleviating pain and increase movement.  Physio Experts offer the best massage therapy in Ottawa and are pioneers in the field of physiotherapy for several years. The specialists at Physio Experts are trained to treat sprains and strains and will ensure the complete overall well-being of the patient and will restore normal movement of the affected area, at the same time ensuring that there is no recurrence. They are trained to assist you in performing certain di

Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy | Physio Experts Kanata

Cardiorespiratory physiotherapy is an area of physiotherapy that focuses on the prevention and rehabilitation of heart diseases, pulmonary diseases, and other injuries related to the heart and lungs. Some of the common cardiorespiratory illnesses include heart attack, hypertension, asthma, bronchitis, congestive cardiac failure, respiratory infections, heart or lung injury, or surgery, among many others. Some appropriate exercises will help the patient restore their cardiovascular health.  In cardiorespiratory therapy , the specialist runs a thorough test of your cardiorespiratory system, endurance, and mobility. The PT will then develop a treatment plan that will fit your needs as per the overall health assessment. Some treatment methods may include breathing and circulation exercises, mobility assistance, coughing and deep breathing exercises, mobility aids, etc. After a cardiorespiratory treatment , please visit PhysioExperts Rehabilitation clinics where a registered PT will c